Suyash Agrawal
(312) 448-8800
Licensed in Illinois
Agrawal Evans
Gregory Porter
(202) 463-2101
Licensed in Washington, DC
Bailey & Glasser
Richard Frankowski
(205) 930-9091
Licensed in Alabama
Burke, Harvey & Frankowski
Joseph Peiffer
(504) 586-5252
Licensed in Louisiana
Fishman Haygood
Phelps Walmsley
Willis and Swanson
Peter Mougey
(888) 435-7001
Licensed in Florida
Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Rafferty & Proctor
Garrett Wotkyns
(480) 428-0144
Licensed in Arizona
Schneider Wallace Cottrell
Brayton and Konecky
The firms and attorneys listed here may associate with lawyers in other jurisdictions to comply with the admission rules of such jurisdictions.
This lawsuit is on behalf of 401(k) plans that use Fidelity mutual funds and plan administration services. The plaintiffs, current and former participants in 401(k) plans that are administered by Fidelity, claim that Fidelity wrongfully took interest earned on contributions and withdrawals while those monies were pending investment or distribution. The lawsuit claims that Fidelity did this to hundreds of retirement plans and their respective participants. The complaint was filed on February 5, 2013 in the United States District Court in Boston, Massachusetts. The plaintiffs are seeking to make this a class action. A list of the lawyers and law firms involved in the case appears on this page. You can read a copy of the complaint by selecting the link below.
Complaint link to PDF file.
If you would like additional information or have questions about the case, please complete the form below.